Velveteen vs Volume Four
Seanan McGuire
Seanan McGuire has announced on her Patreon that she intends to complete a Fourth Volume of her Velveteen vs series.
As some people have been asking, the currently extant installments in volume four, with their numbers for where they fall in-series, are:
#51. vs. Recovery
#52. vs. Temptation
#53. vs. Dr. Darwin
#54. vs. Gainful Employment
Volume four's subtitle is "Velveteen vs. The Consequences of Her Actions," which isn't ominous at all, and I am going to finish it. I won't be posting the whole thing here, as not everyone cares about Velveteen, and it would take over the Patreon completely for a year if I did that, but...
This post is merely a place where I can collect links to the individual chapters while the work is in progress. To wit:
54. Velveteen vs Gainful Employment
55. Velveteen Presents The Princess vs the Congressional Committee for Superhuman Oversight
58. Velveteen vs. True Love's Kiss
59. Velveteen vs. The Parliamentarian
60. Velveteen Presents Tag vs. Being Alive
62. Velveteen Presents Jacqueline Claus vs. Existence
I'll try to keep this up to date, and I will cap it with a proper review when the book is complete.
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