Marked in Flesh
Anne Bishop
** spoiler alert **
I've marked this review of Marked in Flesh, book 4 of Anne Bishop's the Others series, a spoiler, but I don't think it'll be much of a spoiler to anyone who's read the previous three books. By the end of book 3, Vision in Silver, it was pretty obvious that war was coming. The Humans First and Last (HFL) movement was stirring up all the trouble they could on Thaisia (North America) and Cel-Romano (Europe). They have built airplanes and big guns and have made it clear that they think it is the destiny and right of humans to rule Namid.
That war is what happens in Marked in Flesh.
It's a good story, with Meg and her cassandra sangue friends Jean and Hope foreshadowing the disasters to come and the politicking within Lakeside and more broadly across the continent.
I have one complaint, though. The bad guys are seriously underpowered. It's been obvious from the start that (1) The HFL movement cannot hope ultimately to resist the will of the terra indigene, and (2) HFL is woefully, pitifully unaware of how outmatched they are. HFL can do damage -- they can cause pain, but they're not a serious threat. They're going to be blown away.
That's the spoiler, and if you've read the previous Others books, it won't be much of a spoiler.
So, that's the story. Marked in Flesh brings to an end the story told in the first four novels and takes us to the new regime, in which the fifth novel, Etched in Bone, takes place. In fact, I believe, based on the publisher's summaries, that Etched in Bone is the final Meg Ryan/Lakeside novel. Marked in Flesh establishes the world in which new stories take place.
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