The Rhesus Chart Charles Stross, Gideon Emery (narrator) Book five of my all-time favorite Science Fiction series, Charles Stross ' Laundry Files , The Rhesus Chart , begins with these words. “Don't be silly, Bob,” Said Mo. “Everybody knows vampires don’t exist.” You are not an idiot, dear reader. What do you think The Rhesus Chart is about? Right, vampires, got it in one. These are not canonical Bram Stoker vampires, of course, because those folks have a bunch of weird hang-ups that make no sense at all. Stross loses much of the arbitrary weirdness, but what remains are "unusual symptoms such as super-strength and -speed, an uncanny talent for mind control, an extreme allergic reaction to sunlight, and an unquenchable thirst for blood". So, they may not be vampires, exactly, but they're close enough for government work. However, it might give the wrong impression to say that The Rhesus Chart is a vampire story. It *IS* a...