Last Exit to Babylon Roger Zelazny Last Exit to Babylon is volume four of the masterful Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny . (For an overview of the series, see my review of the first volume , Threshold .) This volume, covering the years 1978-1981 maintains the high standards of scholarship of the series. Also, Zelazny pulls out of the slump of the years 1967-1977, which provided the source material for Volume 3, This Mortal Mountain . This is no longer the financially insecure Zelazny who worked for the Social Security Administration and wrote nights until 1969. In 1969 he quit his day job to become a full-time writer. It was a good decision, although of course it took time for him to be comfortable with it. He is now. His career as a novelist has taken off. In particular, the Chronicles of Amber , which were to become his main financial success, were making money. In 1975, realizing that as a writer he could live anywhere he ...