Brian's Winter Gary Paulsen Hatchet ends as follows. Brian, having survived almost two months after crashing in a lake in the Canadian forest, is hit by a tornado. He suffers little harm, but the tail of the airplane, which until now has been completely underwater, is exposed. This allows Brian to enter the still mostly submerged airplane and pull out the survival kit. Although Brian didn't know this when he went after it, the survival kit contains an emergency transmitter. Brian switches it on. Mere hours later a float plane shows up, lands on Brian's lake, and rescues him. Reading that now, I can't help think to myself, " Deus ex machina ". But, to be honest, it didn't bother me even slightly when I read Hatchet . If we were going to get Brian out of his fix, this seemed an entirely reasonable way to do it. Of course the survival kit would contain an emergency transmitter, probably it would be designed to survive a crash and submersion. (A fragile emer...