Cold-Blooded Myrtle Elizabeth C. Bunce The title of the third Mrytle HardCastle mystery is, as usual, a pun exploiting the assonance of Myrtle and murder. (This HAS to be the reason Elizabeth C. Bunce chose the name Myrtle, right?) This one is odd, though, because "cold-blooded" is the one thing that our Myrtle is NOT! Our Myrtle is keen as a hound on a scent. She's a brilliant, nosy kid who can't be persuaded, ever, to mind her own business. She is not put off by blood and poison and viscera, which sounds like she might be cold-blooded, except that she's not -- she's positively enthusiastic about murder, even ghoulish. And we love it! Or at least, I do. For Cold-Blooded Myrtle , we don't take any trips or go anywhere exotic. The action takes place entirely in Myrtle's home town of Swinburne and the neighboring Schofield College. Schofield College, it turns out, is where Myrtle's mother studied many years ago, before Myrtle herself was thought...